World Class Tutors

Summer School 2024 Tutors

The wonderful Summer School tutors of 2024. Each one brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion to the table, eager to ignite your journey of astrology. Check back soon for the tutors that will be at Summer School 2025.

Toby Aldren photo

Toby Aldren


is a Faculty tutor for both online classes and distance learning via email. He gained his Diploma in 2013 and joined the tutor team in 2017. Toby has been an educator throughout his career and he also works as a musician. Toby lives with his husband and two border collies in the remote community of Halfmoon Bay, British Columbia, on Canada's west coast. 





is a Faculty tutor.  She studied Sociology and Politics and has an MSc from the University of Surrey in Social Research Methods. Since 2000, when she discovered astrology, she has followed a path of studying and practicing astrology in depth, especially since enrolling with the Faculty. In her commitment to astrology, Itziar actively serves in some voluntary roles: she represents the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) as a Global Director in Spain, and she is one of the editors of Revista Stellium, the main astrological emagazine in Spanish. Professionally, she teaches and facilitates personal initiations through astrology. 

Lynn Bell photo

Lynn Bell

has been a consulting astrologer for over four decades, looking deeply into the enfolding cosmos and the way it emerges in the lives of each person with whom she works. Lynn is particularly interested in the archetypal images that impact the soul and illuminate the psychological and spiritual growth of individuals. Lynn was a long-time tutor for the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London; she now teaches online for Astrology University and The Mercury Internet School of Psychological Astrology, and has spoken at conferences all over the world. She is the author of Cycles of Light, and Planetary Threads. In 2016 Lynn was awarded the Charles Harvey Award for Exceptional Service to Astrology.

Rod Chang photo

Rod Chang

has been studying astrology for over thirty years. He has published more than 20 astrology books in mandarin and is co-founder of Academy of Astrology: Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. He has spoken at several international conferences in Poland, Portugal, Japan, the UK and Australia. His main interests are fixed stars, mundane astrology, financial astrology, astromapping and a humanistic approach to astrology. Rod also hosts live streaming podcasts with guest speakers on YouTube and Instagram

Marielle CHURAQUI  photo



is a London-based astrologer who gained the Faculty Diploma in 2008 and an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David in 2012. She is a tutor and the Treasurer of the Faculty. Her approach to astrology is inspired by Jungian ideas, particularly James Hillman’s concept of soul. She also teaches yoga, using yoga techniques to explore astrological themes.

Dr Frances Clynes photo

Dr Frances Clynes


is the Faculty’s Vice President, IT Manager and Online Learning Manager as well as being a distance learning and online tutor. She has been a practising astrologer since 1987 and has lectured in Ireland, the UK and the US. Frances is also the Lead Tutor on the Astrology, History, Spirit and Soul module and the Dissertation module of the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in the Sophia Centre at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. 

Darby Costello photo

Darby Costello

Hon DFAstrolS

has been an astrologer for more than half her life. She began teaching at the Centre for Psychological Astrology in 1988 and was soon teaching internationally. She has written several astrology books and received an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University in 2006 and the Charles Harvey Award in 2013. Her consultation practice continues to be at the heart of her working life as an astrologer.


Cat Cox photo

Cat Cox


is the President and Head Tutor of the Faculty and has taught with the school since 2006. She gained her Diploma in 1996 and the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University in 2007. Her interests in healing, Jungian and transpersonal psychology, goddess spirituality and the Western Mysteries, inform her approach to astrology, which includes the ways in which we work psychologically, experientially and ritually with symbols and with myth.



DFAstrolS (Maragaret Hone Award)

studied astrology for many years before passing the Diploma in 2001 and receiving the Margaret Hone Award. She has worked as a Faculty distance learning tutor since 2004 and taught Module 3 at Summer School for eight years. She also enjoys mentoring students as they begin to learn how to give consultations. She has a small practice in South London and feels privileged to introduce her clients to the relevance of astrology in their lives. Prior to becoming an astrologer she worked in the National Health Service. She also loves speaking Portuguese and regularly spends time in Madeira visiting friends and family




is a Faculty tutor. He has a practice in Bordeaux where he lives. Eric spent his early years in Australia and South Africa before travelling the world extensively. His geographical wanderings came to an end at the age of 21, when he encountered astrology. This launched him on a different kind of voyage that led him to become a student of astrology, which has been a continuing process for the past 30 years. In 2004, he undertook a two-year training programme in Psychosynthesis before joining the Faculty in 2006. He also holds an MA in English and American Studies and teaches at the University of Bordeaux.

Mark Fountain photo

Mark Fountain


has been a Faculty tutor and examiner since 2006. His interests include mythology, history, using mundane astrology to understand social and cultural change, and exploring the potential of the asteroids to enrich astrological practice. He has a background in English language teaching, making him particularly interested in how astrologers can communicate effectively with their clients. 

Stevi Gaydon photo

Stevi Gaydon


is a Faculty tutor who teaches both online classes and by distance learning. She has run her astrological practice since gaining her Diploma in 2010. Her work with clients is informed by her background in training business people in negotiation and interpersonal skills as well as by her experience as a coach. Stevi has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David.



Lindsay Gladstone photo

Lindsay Gladstone


is a consultant astrologer. She is a former Faculty Head of Exams, tutor and Summer School Registrar. Enchanted by the mysteries of the divine, she observes the contemplative route of the heart/mind philosophies of medieval Middle Eastern mystics. Archaeology and the study of shamanic practices are her abiding passions. She holds an MA in Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred from Canterbury Christ Church University. 



is a consulting astrologer with over 35 years of practice in astrology and a psychotherapist (depth psychology, trauma-therapy) in Germany. He holds an MSc in Psychology and is a certified astrologer of the German Astrological Association. He specialises in the astrology of the fixed stars and psychological astrology. His passion is to bring the starry sky back to astrology: stars, constellations, and planets.




was born in Argentina but now lives in Greece. He holds a degree in performing arts and another in psychology. He is currently training as a Jungian analyst and has recently completed the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. Alejo has studied mythology, shamanism and Kabbalah, and is particularly interested in finding sacred languages and techniques that help us to develop a dialogue with the divine on a daily basis.





has taught London Classes, modules at Summer School and is a distance learning and online tutor. She runs her own astrological practice based in Nottingham and specialises in using astrology for personal and business development work, using experiential techniques together with astrology to assist clients in moving forward towards their spiritual and temporal goals. Holding a B.A. (Hons) and certification from the School of Traditional Astrology as a Horary Practitioner she is keenly interested in the Western Mystery Tradition, literature and mythologies and their links with astrology.



DFAstrolS (Margaret Hone Award)

holds doctorates both in psychology & philosophy, and is an independent qualified Jungian psychoanalyst and a psychotherapist in private practice. He is the founder of the IPAL Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and has supervised the Institute’s tutors since 1993. He holds online seminars in the IPAL method of psychoanalysis and philosophy for participants from all countries. His recent book, Cogito Imago Dei: An Image of God beyond Jung and Artificial Life, in addition to the forthcoming Cogito Alchymicum: The Alchemy of Symptoms, both pave the way for his developing model of integrative anthropology that includes the use of astrology as a symbolic cosmology.




is a patron of the Faculty of Astrological Studies and a prize-winning Diploma-holder. Astrology has been central to Melanie’s life since 1959 and she has been a professional astrologer since 1975, offering consultations, writing and teaching in the UK and abroad. She is also known for her original research on new celestial objects. Books include: Chiron and the Healing Journey; Saturn, Chiron and the Centaurs; and Incarnation. Melanie has a special interest in contemplative experience both as a healing process and also as a learning modality.




is a consultant astrologer who has studied astrology with the Faculty, esoteric astrology with Alan Oken, hermetic symbology in Barcelona, and horary astrology practitioner level with the STA. She obtained the Faculty Diploma in 2002, has been a Faculty tutor for 20 years and also a Council member. She founded her own school in Barcelona in 2011: Aula Astrològica de Catalunya. Her particular fields of interest are psychological and soul-centred astrology, and astromapping techniques.

Lisa Stockley photo

Lisa Stockley


has been working with astrology for over 20 years, a journey which led to her gaining the Faculty Diploma in 2018. She serves on the Faculty Council and as Director of Studies, as well as tutoring London classes, online classes and by distance learning. She is especially interested in astrology as a spiritual practice and cultivates a deep connection with nature and the cycle of the seasons. 





gained the Faculty Diploma in 2022. He is particularly interested in mundane research, which includes studies on financial, political and social trends, as well as seismic events. He is the author of two books: The Cosmic Journey: Astrology Beyond the Self and Mundane Astrology: Outer Cycles Beyond Pluto.




has been working as a professional astrologer since 1990. Her passion lies in observing celestial elements of Byzantine frescoes and the discourse of medieval Christian symbology with heaven. Dragana is a Faculty online tutor, the Summer School Programme Co-ordinator and a Council member. She has an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and is currently undertaking further research in history at Oxford University.